It was only a game.

My group had just arrived in Belize for a month of teaching, and as we drove through the dark toward the village that was hosting us, we played a game to pass the time.  One person would ask a question, and every other person in the car would have to answer that question.
“What was your most embarrassing moment?”
“What is your worst fear?”
“If your life had a theme song, what would that song be?”

Finally, someone asked, “If you could have one wish, what would it be?”
My answer surprised even me.  I thought about my story.  I thought about God’s promises.  I thought about His power manifested in my journey thus far.  And I answered, “I want to live a life of miracles.”

It was only a game.  But my heart took the answer seriously.

Now (before you make a mental note to avoid playing games like this with me at ALL costs), I want you to think about something with me.

A life of miracles.  A life story whose events cannot be explained unless there is a God.  A God who is all-powerful, all-sovereign, and all-good.  A God whom nothing and no one can stop.  A God who heals, restores, redeems, provides, and makes the impossible a right-now, present-day reality.  A God of miracles.

Ever since the song “Oceans” by Hillsong United came out, I have chosen to ask the Lord to “let me walk upon the waters wherever He would call me” and to “take me deeper than my feet could ever wander” into the purpose He has for my life.  For years, God was teaching me how to climb out of the boat because He wanted me to live walking on water, which I began to do on a larger scale during the winter of 2013/2014 and wrote about it in detail here.  Since then, God continues calling me out into situations and adventures, in-country and internationally, that seem beyond my means and are definitely beyond my level of courage — yet He continues to provide, to open doors, and to make the impossible a reality (often at the eleventh hour, testing my faith!).

“Oceans” is not simply a song that we love to sing on Sundays.  It is also a prayer — the scariest prayer a follower of Jesus can pray.  It’s not a prayer you can pray flippantly.  You must first count the cost, decide whether you are willing to truly do whatever, follow wherever, however, and whenever — and then make your choice: Are you in or out?

 ¿Estás dentro o fuera?*

I believe that the heart of God is yearning for His people to experience life outside the boat — a life of miracles on the water.  He can do it.  Do we trust His heart toward us enough to allow Him — even to ask Him — to write a new story, to call us out deeper than our feet (or our resources, or our human logic) could ever wander?  If He calls you out, you can be assured that as you step out in obedience, He will make a way.

Being “all in” means getting all out of the boat.

Al ser “todo en” significa al ser “todos fuera” del barco.*

As I journey with my Father, I recognize His heart better and better.  I imagine that when He sees one of His children desiring a life story that cannot be possible unless there is a God — simply because he/she wants God to receive glory for his/her life — His heart must be absolutely delighted.  He is searching the earth eagerly, longing and hoping to find those with childlike faith who will dare to take Him at His word and let Him do the impossible through them.  Will we be a people who desire to see Him glorified?

That kind of life will bring God glory.  Is He not worth it?

Esa clase de la vida traerá la gloria de Dios. ¿No vale la pena?*

Our God is so loving.  He does not demand that we leave the safety of the boat; He simply invites us.  He invites us on the greatest adventure of all: a life lived to the fullest for His glory.  I have tasted life on the water, and I never want to return to the boat.  Perhaps the next time you hear “Oceans,” you will feel Him gently stirring in your heart as well.  Perhaps you too will hear His gentle whisper, His loving invitation.

Will you respond?

*Si eres hablante nativo de español, y mis traducciones son incorrectas, por favor, perdóneme. Todavía estoy aprendiendo cómo hablar su idioma hermoso.

One thought on “All In.

  1. VERY insightful, Jordan. You write to inspire, and it penetrates deeply. I am so glad to know about this new blog site, and I am eager for more. Love you!


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